We know that giving employees the opportunity to report key policy breaches is really important to our customers. That’s why developed ‘Whistleblower’ within Yapster, through which employees can feel confident and protected when reporting concerns or misdemeanours within a business. Whistleblower appears on Yapster’s dedicated applications tab and provides help to optimise your business reporting mechanisms by delivering improved levels of adherence to your policies, procedures and best practice requirements. Whistleblower links to a securely hosted form that allows individuals to anonymously submit reports on suspicious or concerning activity within your company.

According to The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, “Whistleblowing is central to a company’s system of checks and balances. It shields companies from reputational and other risks. The ability to blow the whistle reflects shared responsibility and positive culture. An individual rarely takes the decision to blow the whistle lightly, and companies must apply the same degree of importance to this area because they have just as much to win or lose. By taking a positive approach companies can show respect towards their employees and demonstrate an appetite for continuous improvement. Whistleblowers speak-up because they refuse to give up on their company. They have faith that the company will listen to their concerns and that lessons will be learned. Companies can mirror this optimism if they start by recognising the five benefits of whistleblowing and then follow our five point action plan.”

Read the full ICAEW report on the benefits of Whistleblowing here:

We know that giving employees the opportunity to report key policy breaches is really important to our customers.

That’s why we’ve developed an avenue through which employees can feel confident and protected when reporting concerns or misdemeanours within a business.

Whistleblower is a new function now available on Yapster’s dedicated applications tab. It provides help to optimise your business reporting mechanisms by delivering improved levels of adherence to your policies, procedures and best practice requirements.

Whistleblower links to a securely hosted form that allows individuals to anonymously submit reports on suspicious or concerning activity within your company. The form mechanism does not collect any identifying information (although there is an optional ‘About You’ section if users wish to be identified to assist in investigating a report).

All forms are fully customisable - your brand colours can be incorporated into the design, and questions can be tailored to suit organisational needs. Once a report is submitted, it will be forwarded to the nominated individual(s) within your organisation - chosen by you. 

The Whistleblower feature is dedicated to help drive transparency within your business and engender a better culture of trust between your frontline and management teamS.


The direct correlation between yapping and labour retention


Yapping with... Jonathan Napier, Head of Learning & Development at Inception Group